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Список разделов
Раздел: отраслевые издания
Colour Reproduction in Electronic Imaging Systems
Automated Transit
Optical Design Using Excel
Easements Relating to Land Surveying and Title Examination
Risk Pricing Strategies for Public-Private Partnership Projects
Wireless Communications Security
Safety Management for Software-based Equipment
High-Intensity X-rays - Interaction with Matter
Chemical Process Retrofitting and Revamping
Engineering Information Security
LEOMA and the US Laser Industry
Technology and Practical Use of Strain Gages
Estimating and Cost Planning Using the New Rules of Measurement
Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement
Cost Management of Construction Projects
Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering
NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Groundwater
Communications and Information Infrastructure Security
Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI
Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems
Cloud Management and Security
Structural Design of Buildings
Color Appearance Models
Mobile Satellite Communications
Health Physics
Bauphysik Kalender 2017
Bauphysik Kalender 2014
Bauphysik Kalender 2016
Stahlbau-Kalender 2017
Bauphysik Kalender 2015
Adjustment Computations
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Precision Surveying
TRIZ f?r Ingenieure
Geotechnical Engineering
Rock Mechanics Based on an Anisotropic Jointed Rock Model (AJRM)
Resource Optimization and Security for Cloud Services
Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties
Computational Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures
Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures
Pollution Control Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineering
Internet of Things and Data Analytics Handbook
Activity Based Costing for Construction Companies
Analysis and Design of Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optical Receivers
Security and Privacy in the Digital Era
Bauprozesse und Bauverfahren des Tunnelbaus
Fundamentals of Plastic Optical Fibers
Characterization Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites