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Список разделов
Раздел: зарубежный юмор
Будь я Ротшильд
Антология биржевого юмора
Знакомьтесь: мистер Муллинер
Мистер Муллинер рассказывает
Вечера с мистером Муллинером
The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
За спичками: книга для чтения на финском языке
Законы Мёрфи
Fun Stuff. Приколы по-американски. Юмористический лингвострановедческий сборник
Обо всем и ни о чем (сборник)
Біда бабі Палажці Солов’їсі
Козак і король
Маленьке вечірнє інтермеццо
Мое знакомство с бульдогами (сборник)
Mr Punch's Model Music Hall Songs and Dramas
The Casual Ward: Academic and Other Oddments
Josh Billings on Ice, and Other Things
Atchoo! Sneezes from a Hilarious Vaudevillian
Pencil Sketches: or, Outlines of Character and Manners
Susan Clegg and Her Love Affairs
A History of Pendennis. Volume 1. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy
Funny Stories Told by the Soldiers
The Punster's Pocket-book
Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. Volume 2 of 4.—1857-1874
Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. Volume 3 of 4.—1874-1892
Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. Volume 4 of 4.—1892-1914
The Adventures of a Modest Man
A Guide to Men: Being Encore Reflections of a Bachelor Girl
At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern
Bindle: Some Chapters in the Life of Joseph Bindle
Half-Hours with the Idiot
His Lordship's Leopard: A Truthful Narration of Some Impossible Facts
Love Among the Lions: A Matrimonial Experience
Max and Maurice: A Juvenile History in Seven Tricks
Mollie and the Unwiseman Abroad
Mrs. Bindle: Some Incidents from the Domestic Life of the Bindles
Out of the Hurly-Burly: or, Life in an Odd Corner
Perkins of Portland: Perkins The Great
Perverted Proverbs: A Manual of Immorals for the Many
Puppets at Large: Scenes and Subjects from Mr Punch's Show
Sonnets of a Budding Bard
Step Lively! A Carload of the Funniest Yarns that Ever Crossed the Footlights
The Adventures of a Suburbanite
The Comic English Grammar: A New And Facetious Introduction To The English Tongue
The Comic Latin Grammar: A new and facetious introduction to the Latin tongue
The Cynic's Word Book
The Further Adventures of O'Neill in Holland
The History and Records of the Elephant Club
The Old Soldier's Story: Poems and Prose Sketches