Раздел: техническая литература

Wind Power in Power Systems. Thomas  Ackermann

Wind Power in Power Systems

Kinematic Geometry of Gearing. David Dooner B.

Kinematic Geometry of Gearing

Antenna Theory and Applications. Hubregt Visser J.

Antenna Theory and Applications

Chern on Dispute Boards. Cyril  Chern

Chern on Dispute Boards

ESD: Design and Synthesis. Steven Voldman H.

ESD: Design and Synthesis

Code of Estimating Practice. CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

Code of Estimating Practice

Chocolate Science and Technology. Emmanuel Afoakwa Ohene

Chocolate Science and Technology

Processed Cheese and Analogues. Adnan Tamime Y.

Processed Cheese and Analogues

Building Surveys and Reports. James  Douglas

Building Surveys and Reports

Technology of Bottled Water. Nicholas  Dege

Technology of Bottled Water

Laser Welding of Plastics. Rolf  Klein

Laser Welding of Plastics

Molek?le aus dem All?. Katharina  Al-Shamery

Molek?le aus dem All?

Hygienegerechte Apparate und Anlagen. Gerhard  Hauser

Hygienegerechte Apparate und Anlagen

Oberfl?chentechnik f?r den Maschinenbau. Kirsten  Bobzin

Oberfl?chentechnik f?r den Maschinenbau

Principles of Turbomachinery. Seppo Korpela A.

Principles of Turbomachinery

Aquaculture Production Systems. James Tidwell H.

Aquaculture Production Systems

RF Circuit Design. Richard Li C.

RF Circuit Design

Practical Tunnel Construction. Gary Hemphill B.

Practical Tunnel Construction

Sustainable Dairy Production. Peter Jong de

Sustainable Dairy Production

Laser in Manufacturing. J. Davim Paulo

Laser in Manufacturing

Mobile Networks Architecture. Andre  Perez

Mobile Networks Architecture

Mechanical Engineering Education. J. Davim Paulo

Mechanical Engineering Education

Chemistry in Microelectronics. Yannick Tiec Le

Chemistry in Microelectronics

Erosion of Geomaterials. Stephane  Bonelli

Erosion of Geomaterials

Electrical Machines Diagnosis. Jean-Claude  Trigeassou

Electrical Machines Diagnosis

Emotion-Oriented Systems. Catherine  Pelachaud

Emotion-Oriented Systems

RF Power Amplifier. Marian Kazimierczuk K.

RF Power Amplifier

Machining Composites Materials. J. Davim Paulo

Machining Composites Materials

Mechanics and Uncertainty. Maurice  Lemaire

Mechanics and Uncertainty

Building Contract Claims. David  Chappell

Building Contract Claims

IMechE Engineers' Databook. Clifford  Matthews

IMechE Engineers' Databook

Mobile Radio Channels. Matthias  Patzold

Mobile Radio Channels

Fish Canning Handbook. Les  Bratt

Fish Canning Handbook

Facilities Change Management. Edward  Finch

Facilities Change Management

Structurae Projektbeispiele Eisenbahnbr?cken. Ernst Sohn

Structurae Projektbeispiele Eisenbahnbr?cken

Nanowerkstoffe f?r Einsteiger. Dieter  Vollath

Nanowerkstoffe f?r Einsteiger

Pr?fungstrainer Technische Mechanik. Stefan  Hartmann

Pr?fungstrainer Technische Mechanik

Automating with SIMATIC. Hans  Berger

Automating with SIMATIC

Automatisieren mit SIMATIC. Hans  Berger

Automatisieren mit SIMATIC

Fish Pathology. Ronald Roberts J.

Fish Pathology

Reliability Engineering. Elsayed Elsayed A.

Reliability Engineering

Theoretical Aerodynamics. Ethirajan  Rathakrishnan

Theoretical Aerodynamics

Network Coding. Khaldoun Agha Al

Network Coding

Artificial Materials. Olivier Vanb?sien

Artificial Materials

Medical Robotics. Jocelyne  Troccaz

Medical Robotics

Program Specialization. Renaud  Marlet

Program Specialization

Green Networking. Francine  Krief

Green Networking

Wood Machining. J. Davim Paulo

Wood Machining

Nano Lithography. Stefan  Landis

Nano Lithography

Combined Analysis. Daniel  Chateigner

Combined Analysis