Твоя библиотека
Список разделов
Список разделов
Раздел: математика
Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics
Revolutions of Geometry
Misconceptions of Risk
Multilevel Statistical Models
Service Science
Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R
Discrete Event Systems in Dioid Algebra and Conventional Algebra
Understanding Educational Statistics Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS
Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft Windows
The Visualization of Spatial Social Structure
Six Sigma Quality Improvement with Minitab
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation
A Classical Introduction to Galois Theory
Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Abstract Algebra, 4e, Solutions Manual
Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R
Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Tree-based Graph Partitioning Constraint
Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics
Discrete-time Asset Pricing Models in Applied Stochastic Finance
Panel Data Analysis using EViews
An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis
Solutions Manual to accompany An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis
Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with Microsoft Office Excel
Mathematical Game Theory and Applications
Variational Methods for Engineers with Matlab
Fundamentals of Stochastic Networks
Classic Problems of Probability
Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization
Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization
Foundations of Risk Analysis
Sandburgen, Staus und Seifenblasen
Theory of Computation
Applied Regression Modeling
The R Book
Introduction to Combinatorics
Categorical Data Analysis
Galois Theory
Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS
Математика космоса: Как современная наука расшифровывает Вселенную
Методика развивающего обучения математике 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО
В царстве математической смекалки
Геометрия-7. Контрольные работы
1000 рекомендаций. Для преподавателя общеобразовательных дисциплин
Making Sense of Data I. A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
Modeling and Simulation in the Medical and Health Sciences
Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data
Nonparametric Statistics. A Step-by-Step Approach